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29/08/2024Replace WP Logo Easily adalah plugin WordPress sederhana yang dirancang untuk mengganti logo default pada halaman login WordPress dengan gambar logo kustom Anda sendiri. Dengan menggunakan plugin ini, Anda dapat dengan mudah mempersonalisasi tampilan halaman login sesuai dengan merek atau identitas situs Anda.
Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang kesulitan teknis atau gangguan pada halaman login Anda. Cukup instal plugin ini, unggah logo Anda melalui pengaturan, dan logo baru Anda akan langsung muncul di halaman login. Dengan hanya beberapa klik, Anda dapat mengubah tampilan login WordPress Anda dengan cara yang mudah dan cepat.
Replace WP Logo Easily is a simple WordPress plugin designed to replace the default WordPress login logo with your own custom image. Using this plugin, you can effortlessly personalize the login page to match your site’s branding or identity.
You don’t need to worry about technical difficulties or disruptions to your login page. Just install the plugin, upload your logo through the settings, and your new logo will immediately appear on the login page. With just a few clicks, you can transform the appearance of your WordPress login page easily and quickly.
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Release Notes for Replace WP Logo Easily
September 28, 2024 – Version 1.0.2
* Public Release: The plugin is now available to the public through the WordPress repository.
* Added Screenshots: Screenshots have been included to provide a visual representation of the plugin’s features and functionality.
* Script Optimization: Unnecessary or redundant scripts have been removed or optimized to improve the plugin’s performance.
September 27, 2024 – Version 1.0.1
* Adjusted usage of `wp_enqueue_script`, `wp_enqueue_style`, `wp_add_inline_script`, and `wp_add_inline_style` to comply with WordPress standards.
* Moved the media uploader functionality to an external JavaScript file (`js/rwle-custom.js`) to maintain modularity.
* Added an external CSS file (`css/login-custom.css`) to customize the login page appearance.
* Implemented `wp_nonce_field` for improved security on plugin settings.
* Applied proper sanitization (`sanitize_text_field` and `wp_unslash`) for handling user input.
September 1, 2024 – Version 1.0.0
* Initial release and submission to WordPress repository